Sikar – Rajasthan
Trained 80 students for Spoken English in the duration of 3 months. The students were benefited.They learnt everyday usage words & sentences. Knowledge of English made them confident in their approach & social interaction.

Action Aid
Trained 60 employees in Spoken English Communication & Written Communication Skills in this NGO. The students had not only improved their spoken English but also their communication skills. We conducted this training in batches which helped in their continuous performance & better understanding of the language.
Mata Leelawanti School
Trained over 100 students for Communication Skills, Personality Development & Grooming. Students were given training on etiquette, personal hygiene,sanitation etc.The students were benefited greatly by communication classes as they learnt to speak in English.

Action AidBlood Donation Camp
PES had organized blood donation camp where the youth was motivated to donate blood for accident victims. Apart from outside people, the complete staff of PES had donated blood for this noble cause.
Health Camp for Senior Citizen
PES has also conducted health camps for senior citizens to deal with prevalent diseases like Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, diabetics, hypertension and eye care. To fight these periodical diseases concept of naturopathy and acupressure was initiated.

PES had conducted workshops on beautician and stitching as to make women independent. They can earn money & can support their family. It was very successful & many women, girls were benefited by this.
Communication Skills Training Jhun Jhun Wala Business School – Faizabad
Trained 60 MBA Students for Spoken & Written English Communication. The students who were qualified but lacking in communication skills had learnt to pick the nuances of the language. Knowledge of interview skills had greatly helped the students in getting jobs.

Education – Training the youth IPER Engineering College – Bhopal
PES trained Engineering students for Group Discussion & Personal Interview. It has also organized classes for communication and interview skills which have helped unemployed youth in getting employment. These kinds of training have not only helped in building confidence but also getting jobs thereby enabling them with a livelihood.
Train The Trainer – Katha, Gurgaon
PES conducted ‘Train the Trainer’ program for the teachers of Katha. The trainers were trained on imparting the knowledge of the English language in an interactive and easy way to the students so that they can understand and use it in their daily activities. They were given tips on improving the quality of their class.

Solid Waste Management
A workshop was organized for a group of people on ‘Waste Management’. It was very successful. The overall goal of urban solid waste management was to collect, treat and dispose of solid wastes generated by all people in an environmentally and socially satisfactory manner using the most economical means available.
HIV/AIDS Awareness Programme
National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is a nationwide observance that encourages people to take action in the fight against HIV/AIDS and raise awareness of its impact on women and girls. The camp was organized on this day which was attended by men & women in large number.

Immunization Camp
This was organized for the underprivileged strata of society. The performance was very good. Many families came for the immunization of their children.
Soft Skills Training – Delhi Police
Conducted training for the Policemen/ SI/ Constables for Time Management, Gender Sensitization, Stress manage-ment and Multi tasking.
The class was attended by a large number of police employees and it was a great success. It was greatly appreciated by the authorities.

Meera Model School
Conducted Communication Skills Training for 150 students.
Children learnt basic conversational English, learnt to communicate in the class with the teacher, with friends, and at social places. They were inspired to read story books and make small conversations in English.
Creating Awareness -Training For underpriveledged children
The children are the future of our country whether they belong to priviledged or under priviledged group of society.Reaching out to the weaker section, sessions were conducted to introduce skills like spoken English, & general awareness .The children were taught the use of internet for knowledge bank.

HIV Aids Awareness
As part of its efforts to increase societal awareness to alleviate health related issues, PES held street plays to educate people on another giant killer-HIV/AIDS.
It was an interactive & fun filled effort to bring home the fact that simple measures can keep HIV at bay.
Vocational Training – Computer Education for Students
Computers have been a significant part of the average student’s education since the early 1980s. PES organized computer workshops for the young boys & girls because jobs of the future will demand computer literacy from just about every individual. Computers also streamline the education process.

Polio Camp
Basic health care is a critical issue that is often overlooked when dealing with the urban poor. Providing health care is important not only to protect the patient himself, but also to reduce the risk of infecting the entire community.. By being proactive and providing immunizations to children at an early age, we can give them long term defense against disease, disability, and death.PES organized a camp like every year where Polio vile was distributed with the co-operation of our field staffs, teachers and volunteers with the support of UNICEF and Rotary International.
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Korba, Chhattisgarh – Kishori Shakti Yojana
PES trained 500 tribal girls for Spoken English & Interpersonal Skills under Kishori Shakti Yojana at Chhattisgarh.
Girls education is like sowing the seed which gives rise to green, cheerful and fully grown family plan. Today’s girl child will be the mother of tomorrow. As a mother she can give her child a sound nursing and capable upbringing. A woman has the maximum impact on the social, economical decisions making in the family. At micro level, educated woman help in making the whole family including the older family members, understand the values and importance of education, and at macro level, educated women add to the social and economical development of the nation.

Education – Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Korba, Chhattisgarh – Train The Trainer
PES Trained 120 Teachers/Trainers of Government Schools for English Proficiency at Chhattisgarh.
Regular up gradation of knowledge and acquisition of innovative skills has become a necessary ingredient for providing better and better education to students especially in the rural areas where education options are limited. Apart from qualification and knowledge, a student requires certain skills set in terms of his /her behavior. The trainer has to be able to cope up with such situations. To contribute in this regard PES organized workshop for teachers and provided useful inputs in making their classes interactive, informative & fun filled.
Personality Development & Grooming Classes for Youth
The importance of education in India is indeed rising with passing time. However only curricular activities don’t suffice. Co-curricular activities form an integral part of learning and development of students as they augment the formal curriculum. Keeping in mind the importance of personality development and to engender different skills amongst the students, a session on grooming & personality development was done with the students. Soft Skills generally consists of grooming and personality development where students were given inputs on formal wear, on maintaining personal hygiene, oral hygiene and sanitation, confidence boosting skills like tips on self defense, understanding the right touch and communication advice in terms of dealing with multitasking.

Urban deprived Children
PES organized workshops for small children who cannot afford quality education. They were taught the lessons through stories & conversations. They were encouraged to read story books & were taught different techniques of drawing & sketching.
Teaching about sanitation to small children
The rapid changes and growing complexity of relationships in our society require facilitating, regulating, supporting, and supplementing cooperation among the people. PES has kept this process of co-operation going by doing a lot of community development programmes by organizing camps where basic concepts of sanitation was taught to the children from the underprivileged sections of society.

Tree Plantation
Tree plantation drive was organized, in which children planted trees and were made aware of their duties towards the environment in order to have better and greener surroundings.
KGBV, Raigarh -English Proficiency Level 2
PES has trained 600 Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan tribal girls on the following subject:
⦁ Spoken English
⦁ Life Skills
⦁ Soft Skills
⦁ Interpersonal Skills
PES has trained 700 tribal girls under Kishori Shakti Yojana covering all the blocks in District Raigarh, Chhattisgarh on the following subject:

⦁ Spoken English
⦁ Life Skills
⦁ Soft Skills
⦁ Interpersonal Skills
Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Skills were developed during the training session. These trainings have given an oppourtunity to the students who are deprived of the use of English Language.
Personality Deveoplment and Skills Development Training for Primary and Middle School Teachers at Jansgir Champa.
PES has trained 7000 primary and middle school teachers on the following subject:
⦁ Personality Development,
⦁ Personal Effectiveness
⦁ English Proficiency

PES has Trained 180 students in Eklavya Model School on the following subject:
⦁ Spoken English
⦁ Communication Skills
⦁ Interpersonal Skills
⦁ Life Skills
English Proficiency Training for Prayas
PES experts have conducted English Proficiency training for the students of Chhattisgarh who are all aspiring Engineers. They were made comfortable with the use of English Languge. This will help them during various interviews they would be facing in near future. The rainings were conducted on the following subject:
⦁ Spoken English
⦁ Interpersonal Skills
⦁ Life SKills
PES trainers reach out to the students of chaattisgarh who are deprived of various oppourtunities. The children are the future of our country whether they belong to priviledged or under priviledged group of society.Reaching out to the weaker section, sessions were conducted to introduce skills like spoken English, & general awareness .The children were taught the use of internet for knowledge bank and various life skills which enables them to lead a respectable life and develop a sound decision making ability.

English Proficiency Training conduted for KGBV, Raigarh
PES has trained 200 tribal girls for Spoken English & Interpersonal Skills under Kishori Shakti Yojana at Raigarh, Chhattisgarh on the following subject:
⦁ Spoken English
⦁ Communication Skills
⦁ Interpersonal Skills
⦁ Life Skills

Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing Skills were developed during the thraining session. These trainings have given an oppourtunity to the students who are deprived of the use of English Language.